Monday, May 12, 2008

New X-trials Bible Study

OK, its time for a new Bible Study and I'm really excited about this one. Starting May 22, 2008 we'll be covering several Old Testament figures using the book "Following God: Learning Life Principles from the Personalities of the Old Testament" by Wayne Barber as a starting point. Now some of you may cringe at studying these old patriarchs of our faith: I mean haven't we heard their stories over and over? Well, yes...and no. We are going to take a fresh look at these "Righteous Dudes" and learn that they weren't fact, they are a lot, and I mean a lot, like us today.

What can they teach us? Plenty!

So join us for an X-trials look at these old dudes of faith. Each week will be someone different, so if you miss a up next time!