Saturday, April 24, 2010

X-Trials Bible Study at Starbucks

Thanks to Eddie for giving us an update on his China Mission trip. It was great hearing it. I think there may be an opportunity for a Small Group Study on applying Global Mission lessons at the Local Community level. Why is it sometimes easier to witness to a stranger in China than it is to go someplace local and witness to a stranger?

Since we didn't finish Lesson 7 of The Truth Project, we'll pick up where we left off and finish it this Thursday. Lesson 8 will start the following Thursday.

We ended the discussion this week on the Westminster Confession of 1646 (Dr. Tackett referenced this Confessions definition of the Trinity.) I encouraged everyone to read it or any of the several Confessions available and then begin working on your own personal Confession along with the Scriptual Proofs. It doesn't have to start off as some long, 40 page Confession. Just write

down what you believe and the Biblical Proofs. In the future, as you Biblically prove a belief, add it to your Confession. Feel free to discuss your Confession with others. In fact, I would encourage you to discuss it with others. Just remember that this is YOUR personal Confession so only add what you have proven for yourself.

Here are two well-known confessions and the latest Southern Baptist Statement:

Westminster Confession of Faith with Scriptural verses (PDF)
Westminster Confession of Faith with Full Scriptural Proofs (PDF)

Baptist Confession of Faith with Scriptural verses (1689) (PDF)

Baptist Faith and Message (2000) (PDF)

They are in PDF format. Let me know ( if you would prefer them in another format.

There are others available as well. I'm including these as templates or guidelines if you need them. Yours can be a lot like them or nothing like them, as long as it is yours.

Good luck and God bless.